This has been shot when we travelled along Australias east coast on Nov. 2007. It's a detail of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and I still like the image a lot. The five people are visitors that walk along the bridge - of course secured. We learned that it's a rather expensive adventure but still I think it would be fun to do it one day. I'm sure not with my wife, she's thinking I'm crazy.
From this angle the steel beams look really interesting and give a good feeling of height and how massive the bridge is. Added the people you have a good sense of scale. Surprisingly there are rare images of this kind around. People always like to photograph bridges in full view. I think they miss something.
As I sell some images to stock image agencies I was amazed to find out that this particular image has been used as a CD cover. Have a look here. Although it was cropped to fit the CD square format, it still looks good, I think.
Sometimes your are rewarded a way you never thought before :-)
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