While hiking in Patagonia I stepped of the path my group was following to see a river I heard but could not see. When I got through the bushes I suddenly stood in front of this gorgeous scenery. Imagine my surprise! The red rocks, the flowing water, green bushes and the mountains in the background with a blue sky... it couldn't get much better.
In fact this is Monte Fitz Roy in southern Argentina, a well known mountain range of Patagonia. The landscape is rough and beautiful, we really enjoyed hiking there. But if I didn't walk off the beaten track, I'd never seen this fabulous scene. Because I was in a hurry (to catch up with my wife and group) I could only take two photos, luckily both turned out good. With more time I could've use my tripod and try different compositions and angles. But I like the images I got, they are gorgeous and they look brilliant as posters hanging on our wall :-)
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